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Gary Shilling



  • Bloomberg: His Call to Buy Treasurys “Best Call of Past 20 Years”
  • Predicted the Late 2000s Subprime Housing Crash
  • In Late 1970s, Predicted the End to Raging Inflation

About Gary

A. Gary Shilling, PhD, is an economic consultant and investment adviser, as well as a long-time columnist for Forbes magazine. He is president of A. Gary Shilling & Co., Inc., an investment adviser, and publishes A. Gary Shilling's INSIGHT, a monthly report of economic forecasts and investment strategy. Dr. Shilling is a columnist for Bloomberg View online. He has authored eight books, his newest and best-selling is The Age of Deleveraging: Investment Strategies for a Decade of Slow Growth and Deflation.

Gary's Videos

During this session, Dr. Gary Shilling will discuss the 12 important changes for the economy and investors.
When it comes to trade, the U.S. is the buyer and China is the seller. This puts the U.S. in a stronger position, however, Chinese President Xi does not face re-election
Garry Schilling discusses trading fixed income in a world with inverted yield curves and negative yields.
The Fed's pause witnesses its concern over growing economic weakness. As usual, the central bank has probably over-tightened monetary policy, leading to a recession this year. With no major financial crisis in the offing, however, the business downturn will likely be moderate with the US stock market falling not much below last December's low. A soft landing, on the other hand, would postpone the recession until 2020.

Gary's Books

Gary Shilling

Deflation: Strategies for Building Wealth in the Coming Wave of Deflation

DEFLATION sounds a clarion call for forward-thinking investors everywhere. A. Gary Shilling—the influential forecaster and FORBES columnist who is consistently ranked among the leaders by THE WALL STREET JOURNAL and who has twice been voted Wall Street's top economist in INSTITUTIONAL INVESTOR'S poll of financial institutions—lays out the case for why deflation lies ahead, how it will affect your investments, business, and personal affairs, and outlines the steps
Gary Shilling

The Age of Deleveraging: Investment Strategies for a Decade of Slow Growth and Deflation

While many investors fear a rapid rise in inflation, author Gary Shilling, an award-winning economic forecaster, argues that the global economy is going through a long period of de-leveraging and weak growth, which makes deflation far more likely and a far greater threat to investors than inflation. Shilling explains in clear language and compelling logic why the world economy will struggle for several more years and what investors can do to protect and grow their wealth in<
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Income, Growth, & Value

September 17 - 19, 2024